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Lollini's CONCORDE 2004 Catalog

ALL the stamps, phone cards and postal stationeries World Wide about the supersonic Concorde.

Our Concorde catalog has the same efficient design as the "Conquête de l'Espace" and is updated every two years. The new issue is

Did you know that in August 1999 three Concorde air planes ( 1 French, 2 British) specially customized and enhanced chased the total ECLIPSE, at maximum speed ?.

Catalog Concorde : ALL the stamps about the supersonic Concorde and the Russian Tupolev 144 : 112 pages, 1500 color photos of the stamps, with overprints and metallic stamps.

Table of content :

- Stamps of all the countries except new Ussr's
- Stamps & overprints of the new Ussr's countries
- Map of the new Ussr geographical divisions
- Phone cards of the world about Concorde
- Postal stationeries
- illustrations and book binding : high quality.


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