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the flag of the country GERMANIA-EST


Data di uscita: 19 Nov. 1963.-
Tiratura: 1200000 campione
1 Valori dentellato
Tipo: Francobollo
modo du stampa: offset

Descrizione : Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s visit to DDR.

Informazione valore :
450 DDR 4    20pf Gagarin
Yvert  : 700
Michel : 995
Scott : 675

Disegno da : Sauer

Articolo precedente di Rivista dello Spazio Catalogue.

Parole chiave : #Celebrità, #Cosmonauti, #Gagarine.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/07/2008 @ 14h24

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disponibleacheter cet article 450 DDR 4  1,-   1.09  6,56  170 

illustration of chapter gagarine - vostok 1 from our albumCapitolo Spazio :
450 DDR 4 
 Album Pagine :
 66 C .

album page of stamps album page of stamp
album page of stamps album page of stamp page number _66_C_ from album espace to collect stamps album page of stamp
album page of stamps album page of stamp

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the stamp 450  DDR 4
450 DDR 4 - image retouchée ?

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