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the flag of the country GUINEA Conakry

GUINEA Conakry

Data di uscita: 15 Sept. 2013.-
Tiratura: 2000 campione
1 Valori dentellato
Tipo: Foglietti
modo du stampa: offset
Larghezza (millimetri): 67
Altezza (millimetri): 98

Descrizione : Hubble Space Telescope. Scene from movie "Gravity." Souvenir sheet.

Informazione valore :
10467 GUI 15 B    40000fr Astronaute en EVA
Yvert  : Bloc 1548
Michel : Block 2287


Parole chiave : #Astronauti, #Nave spaziale, #Satelliti, #Telescopio.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01/05/2014 @ 15h52

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seulement 5 disponiblesacheter cet article 10467 GUI 15 F 7,-   7.35  45,92  1120 

illustration of chapter hubble - 20th anniversario from our albumCapitolo Spazio :
10467 GUI 15 B
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the stamp 10467 GUI 15 detail
10467 GUI 15 detail - image retouchée ?

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the stamp 10467 GUI 15 B
10467 GUI 15 B - image retouchée ?
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