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the flag of the country COSTA D`AVORIO


Data di uscita: 21 Déc. 2013.-
Tiratura: 600 campione
2 Valori dentellati
Tipo: Busta Primo Giorno F.D.C.
modo du stampa: offset
Larghezza (millimetri): 160
Altezza (millimetri): 112

Descrizione : Famous people of last millennium. 50th anniversary of man in space. Valentina Tereshkova, 1st women in space and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Russian engineer.

Informazione valore :
10485 IVO 23 B    2500fr Valentina Vostok et Logo
     Médailles et portraits de Youri Gagarine

10485 IVO 24 B    2500fr Tsiolkowski - Théoricien
     des fusées - créateur de la propulsion liquide


Parole chiave : #Astronauta femminile, #Capsule, #Celebrità, #Cosmonauti, #Gagarine, #Nave spaziale, #Razzi, #Satelliti, #Scienciati.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/05/2014 @ 11h30

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seulement 5 disponiblesacheter cet article 10485 IVO 23/24 F 17,-   17.85  111,51  2720 
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seulement 5 disponiblesacheter cet article 10485 IVO 23/24 FA 24,-   25.20  157,43  3840 
seulement 5 disponiblesacheter cet article 10485 IVO 23/24 B 15,-   15.75  98,39  2400 

illustration of chapter gagarine - 50 anni from our albumCapitolo Spazio :
10485 IVO 23/24 F
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the stamp 10485 IVO 23 F
10485 IVO 23 F - image retouchée ?

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the stamp 10485 IVO 24 F
10485 IVO 24 F - image retouchée ?
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