FRANCEIssued: Mar. 28, 1995.- 1 Value ND IMPERFORATE Kind: Stamp
Printing method: offset Description : 100th satellite put in orbit by Ariane. Europa deluxe sheet 9200 FRA 1 EA reprinted with new value 2.80fr instead of 2.50fr. Values informations :
9727 FRA 1 A 2.80fr polychrome
Yvert : 2948a Michel : 3082 Scott : 2483 Item in a Catalogue. Keyword(s) : #Ariane, #EUROPA, #Rocket, #Satellite. Last modified: 11/28/2024 @ 16h47
Space chapter : ARIANE V 71 - 100th SAT. 28 3 95 9727 FRA 1 A Album Page : 2088 .