BENINIssued: Nov. 3, 2013.-
Printed: 300 units 4 Values perforate Kind: Complete Set
Printing method: offset Width (mm): 47
Height (mm): 38
Description : Anniversaries of cosmonautics. 40th anniversary of the African eclipse with Concorde, 50th anniversary
of NASA, Cooperation CNES / ESA / NASA with ISS,
50th anniversary of CNES with COROT. Set of 4 stamps. Values informations :
10511 BEN 41 200fr 50 ans CNES - Corot,
recherche exoplanètes
10511 BEN 42 200fr 40 Eclipse Africaine Concord,
Logo Eclipse
10511 BEN 43 200fr ESA/NASA - Telescope Spatial
10511 BEN 44 200fr Eclipse Totale 2006 observée
depuis l’ISS
Stamp Designer : Bernard et Alexandre Lollini SPACE REVUE : 06 - 2014 Keyword(s) : #Aviation, #Cartography, #Deep space, #Eclipse, #LOLLINI (design), #Moon and probes, #NASA, #Planet, #Satellite, #Space station, #Spaceship, #Sun, #Telescope. Last modified: 05/30/2014 @ 11h07
Space chapter : ECLIPSE 1973 - AFRICA (40TH ANNIVERSARY) 10511 BEN 41/44 Album Page : future
etoile theme Album Page : future
concorde theme Album Page : future
meteo theme Album Page : future