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the flag of the country TCHAD


Data di uscita: 30 Juin 2013.-
Tiratura: 16 campione
4 Valori imerforate non-dentelé ND Non dentellati
Tipo: Prove di Lusso
modo du stampa: offset

Descrizione : Eclipses of 2013, 5th sheetlet. 40th anniversary of African eclipse viewed by Concorde, 50th anniversary of French CNES. Sheetlet 120 x 152mm of 4 stamps with security perforations.

Designer proof, unofficial, signed by Bernard and Alexandre Lollini. The stamp as it was sent to authorities for security printing, some differences with the final stamp are visible (changes in the text, more vivid colors, exceptional contrast and sharpness).
You will be able to compare this original with the official stamp.

Informazione valore :
sheetlet of 4:
10511 TCH 37    1000fr Concorde, Eclipse et 
                       Caravelle d’escorte
10511 TCH 38    1000fr Einstein, relativité 
                       générale, preuve par Eclipse
10511 TCH 39    1000fr CNES - Satellite Picard - 
                       Activité solaire
10511 TCH 40    1000fr Cluster - étude des vents 

Disegno da : Bernard et Alexandre Lollini


Parole chiave : #Arte, #Astronauti, #Aviazione, #Celebrità, #Cosmonauti, #ESA, #Einstein, #LOLLINI (disegno), #Nave spaziale, #Satelliti, #Sole, #Spationauti Europeo, #Spazio profondo.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01/05/2014 @ 16h23

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disponiblepurchase this item 10511 TCH 37/40 F 14,-   15.26  91,83  2380 
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illustration of chapter eclipse 1973 - africa (40th anniversary) from our albumCapitolo Spazio :
10511 TCH 37/40 EA
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the stamp 10511 TCH 37/40 EA
10511 TCH 37/40 EA - picture enhanced ?

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