ANGUILLAIssued: Mar. 15, 1986.- 4 Values perforate Kind: Complete Set
Printing method: offset Description : Halley’s comet: Giotto. Values informations :
8100 ANA 1 5c Hevelius
8100 ANA 2 10c Viking
8100 ANA 3 60c en 1664
8100 ANA 4 4$ M. Twain
Yvert : 629/632 Michel : 687/690 Scott : 669/672 This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Aerial, #Animal Wildlife, #Art, #Boat, #Celebrity, #Comet, #Flora, #Halley, #Mars and probes, #Satellite, #Scientist, #Telecommunications. Last modified: 05/22/2014 @ 17h56
Space chapter : ARIANE V 14 - HALLEY - GIOTTO - ESA 8100 ANA 1/4 Album Page : 1325 .
astronome theme Album Page : future
etoile theme Album Page : future