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Here are details about a :
Space commemorative cover
or Space Cover.

the flag of USA
Cosmodrom : USA

Giorno di Cancellazione: 9 Déc. 1980
Tipo of Event : Launch
Launch pad : USA Vandenberg (CA)
habité?/manned?: robot
Mission type : Failure

ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - none

Descrizione : Vandenberg post stamps and satellites NOSS 4. This US Navy Ocean Surveillance Satellite (NOSS) was launched from Vandenberg AFB aboard an Atlas E/F rocket. It placed a cluster of one primary satellite and three smaller sub-satellites (that trailed along at distances of several hundred kilometers) into low polar orbit. This satellite array determined the location of radio and radars transmitters, using triangulation, and the identity of naval units, by analysis of the operating frequencies and transmission patterns.

Parole chiave :

This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 26/05/2015 @ 11h46

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enveloppe USA 1469 - cover USA 1469
USA 1469 - image retouchée ?

Pagine : future · Ref: USA 1469 

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