Here are details about a : Space commemorative cover or Space Cover.

Cosmodrom : USA
Date of Cancellation: Nov. 6, 1980 Kind of Event : Tracking Launch pad : USA Pasadena (CA)
habité?/manned?: robot Mission type : Deep Space
ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - noneDescription : Pasadena post stamp and sonde Voyager 1.
hird-largest natural satellite of Saturn, eleventh-largest in the Solar System, and the largest body in the Solar System known not to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. Iapetus is best known for its dramatic ’two-tone’ coloration, but discoveries by the Cassini mission in 2007 have revealed several other unusual features, such as a massive equatorial ridge that runs three quarters of the way around Iapetus. Keyword(s) : #Aerial, #NASA, #Planet, #Probe, This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Last modified: 05/23/2015 @ 10h35
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Page : future · Ref: USA 1446 Space Event : VOYAGER 1 (OUTER PLANETS PROBE) · SATURN & HER MOONS