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Millenium 2000,Odissée de l'Espace:




PHOTON 12:Sept. 9 1999, carried on bord rocks will be recovered after free return on Earth, study of remaining life form after high temperature return. ESA experiment. Launched at Baikonour by Soyouz rocket.

SUB SATELLITE: April 24 1972 - Launched during Apollo 16 Mission, to measure Meteorites, Magnetic Fields, Solar wind and all Space particles.

NEAR: Feb. 16 1996 - Start at KSC - Nasa experiment for study asteroid EROS

EXPLORER 16: Dec. 16 1962 - Nasa satellite to study micrometeorites, launched by Scout rocket at Wallops Island Virginia

CHALLENGER: ASTRO experiment - preview mission of Space telescope to study Halley's comet

GIOTTO:ARIANE V 14 - July 2 1985 First Scientific Esa satellite

On the frame of sheetlet 1 :

July 1994 - Comet SHOEMAKER-LEVY 9 encounter giant planet JUPITER - BIG Crash. 9 rocks collision with Jupiter atmosphere, the events is filmed by Hubble Space Telescope in Earth Orbit and by GALILEO during Solar system translation. Also IUE (ESA) - Ulysse, Voyager 2 are in action. This comet made holes as big as Earth in the Giant Gaz Planet Jupiter.


LUNAR PROSPECTOR July 31 1999 - Crash of US Lunar satellite to study the presence of water on the Moon, Mawson Crater near Moon's South pole.

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