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Millenium 2000,Odissée de l'Espace:



Here, in detail are the subjects and commentaries explaining our graphic creation :

- Einstein at the blackboard (1953)

- On the beach at Santa Barbara, California.

- Always looking a little untidy, he is the symbol of the absent-minded wise man.

- A passionnate music lover, he was not a virtuoso, but competent musician.

- The most famous picture of Albert Einstein taken at the end of his life.

- The young Einstein, lecturing at the University of Princeton.

- Also at Princeton. Einstein towards the end of his life, regretting the damage of nuclear energy used as an armament.

- The presentation of the Nobel Prize, in Stockholm, by the king of Sweden.

- Einstein's name will always be linked with relativity of time and space, and if the atom doe sit give us new ways to visit the solar system, his theory will perhalp condemn mankind to stay within the wall of light. ESA is studiyng theories already allowing us to get round the obstacle.


We have tried hard to illustrate the spatial implications of Einstein's work. The space probe Galileo, around Jupiter, from 21 March to 11 April 1993, which by the simultaneous consulting of 3 satellites scattered around the Solar System. (MARS OBSERVER near Mars, ULYSSE near the Sun, and GALILEO near Jupiter) showed the truth of Einstein's theory of relativity about the creation of the Universe.

The American nuclear satellites, TRANSIT 2A (22 june 1960) - TRANSIT 3B and LOFTI (21 Fev. 1961) TRANSIT 4A and B TRAAC (15 Nov. 1961) avoiding cumbersome solar panels - The logo of the APOLLO XI, (nuclear instrumentation ASLIP) APOLLO XIII (nuclear generator LEM disintegrated in Earths atmosphere) missions - and the VELA HOTEL, satellites destined to detect nuclear experiments on Earth.

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